Are you up for the artificial plants wholesale business? Do you intend to buy artificial plants in bulk for resale? Who do you want as a supplier; Factory direct or Wholesaler? Let us find out which is best for you today!

There have been many opinions on the internet on which artificial plant supplier is the best for the business. I began to ponder on all the types of suppliers available for business in general. There are many types, but I would focus on clarifying and re-informing you into two groups- Factory and Wholesalers (which includes all businesses that deal with wholesales, e.g., trading companies).  

Buying wholesale artificial plants will need extra care. You will need to consider many factors so that you don’t end up getting defective products in bulk. And this will lead us to some of the pros and cons of factory direct and wholesale suppliers. But before that, we’ll briefly discuss what each of the terms implies. Let’s do that for a better understanding of the content.

Buying ‘factory direct’ means buying goods directly from the manufacturer of the products. This means that you cut the long distribution chain and eliminate the middleman or middle person (or whatever you wish to call the intermediary). Factories will offer factory-direct prices, which is always cheaper than buying from a supplier, distributor, or in general, the Wholesaler.

Meanwhile, as the name implies, wholesalers sell in bulk after buying direct factory products. They buy directly from the factories and sell in lesser quantities and higher prices than the factories will. They are middlemen in the distribution chain. Now let us look at the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

Pros and cons of factory direct artificial plants.


  • Factory direct artificial plants are of lower prices. This is because no middlemen or intermediaries are involved. Hence, there will be no additional costs that come with that.
  • The products will probably be farther from the expiration date. Because factories hardly keep their products in stock and only produce on order, the products will have a longer time for sale before they deteriorate.
  • Factories will offer better shipping transit and quality control. They will have better access to know the things that are happening in the transits.
  • Feedback gets to the manufacturer quickly to improve product quality.


  • It would help if you always got a product sample from them, and it’s NOT free.
  • They run very horrible websites and don’t display their products in detail.

Pros and cons of buying artificial plants from wholesalers


  • They will ship the products very quickly. Unlike factories that have to produce at order, wholesalers have the artificial plants ready for ordering.
  • They display their products online, and online shopping is made very easy.
  • They offer lesser MOQs than factories.


  • They sell at higher prices.
  • They do not offer customization services.

I know you are wondering which is better for your artificial plant business. But, I dare to say, the CHOICE is YOURS! So, carefully analyze your business situation and make the right decision. Either way, all the options are worth it.


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